Making Sigla
Totem Animals

In learning to visualize, it is best to start with the concrete and move by stages to the abstract. When you are ready to begin visualization exercises, place a lit candle in front of your place of meditation. If it is at or near eye level, so much the better. Use a single taper of a color of your own choosing. Use the same candle in the same holder each time. In the beginning, bright colors are easier to visualize than pastels.

Light your candle, close your eyes, relax, and when your mind is stilled, open your eyes and gaze at your candle for about a minute or so. Make a mental note of the time and look at your candle again. Now close your eyes and see it in your mind's eye. See the flame, the color and shape of the candle and its holder. When the image shifts or mental chatter creeps in, stop the exercise and note the time. Jot starting and ending times in your journal after writing a description of the exercise. Repeat this daily, noting times, until you can maintain the visualization in your stilled mind for five minutes.

Next time, repeat the exercise, but this time blow out the candle in your mind's eye while retaining the image of the candle itself. You will probably find that, when you mentally blow out the visualized candle, the entire image will disappear. Try to bring it back. If you can't bring it back, stop the exercise and note what happened and the times in your journal.

When you can hold the image of the snuffed candle in your mind for a couple of minutes, mentally make the flame reappear and hold that image for two minutes. Note your progress in your journal daily.

Next, remove the candle entirely before beginning the exercise. Now relax, still and open your mind, open your eyes and gaze briefly at the spot where the candle was. Close your eyes, see the spot and produce the lit candle before your mind's eye. Now open your eyes and gaze at the blank spot where the actual candle used to be, but retain the image of the burning candle in your mind.