First, to develop a psychic nature one most learn to control themselves. One cannot have control over another being or environment by one's own will if they are not in control of themselves. Learn peace, rage, discipline, disorder. You must recognize something before you can learn from it. That is not to say you have to be a walking shell of a being without having fun or being ticked off once in a while. A good example of this type of mindset is found in Zen beliefs.
Zen insists on the unique capacity of every human to reach enlightenment, or freedom from the illusions of ego created by the mind. Not by following certain rituals, adhering to a set of rules, or imitating the example of others, however worthy, but only by an alert attentiveness to one's own actions and feelings.
Next, you must learn to ground yourself. That in its essence, means becoming connected to your environment. This takes a while, but it is well worth the effort. In learning this, you can detect what elemental energies are around you at the time, if any magick has before been performed where you are, and to establish psychic tethers between you and other beings, be it human, creature, or entity.
The aforementioned psychic tethers can be used to impose your will on another, to hear the subject's thoughts or to learn of their memories and knowledge. These tethers are seen or felt in many different ways. For some, it appears to be thought-forms travelling back and forth, a yellow-blue thread, a tunnel of white light between people, and so on and so forth. Once this is learned, there is no mistaking the feeling, and it will be easier to do as time goes on.
Imposing one's will on another has varying degrees of difficulty. That is to say it's easier to tell a cat to get off of the counter than to suggest to a human with a higher intelligence to treat his girlfriend a little better.
For whatever purposes you use your abilities for, be careful to not exhaust yourself, and to protect yourself from whatever you deem threatening or uncomfortable. Use your common sense.
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