There are many beings out there in the world, that pass us by possibly every day, that we don't even notice. It is possible to talk or hear or see these entities, all we have to do is to look for them. This is a list of all of the entities I have come across (in knowledge, no necessarily in person). It may be incomplete from your point of view, and if so, let me know what you've encountered.
A spiritual being, especially in Persian, Jewish, Christian and Islamic theologies, that is commonly portrayed as being winged and as serving as God's messengers.. The spiritual guide of an individual.
An angel of high rank.
The soul. That part of the individual which dwells on the astral plane. The densest part of the individual to survive death. That
vehicle through which one astral travels. The emotional body.
An earthly manifestation of one of the gods in human or animal form. A being through whom God manifests himself. The spiritual founder of
an age or a dynasty. Such a one has supposedly progressed beyond the need to be reincarnated.
A Greek word for a guiding spirit, or guardian angel. Later corrupted to mean an malevolent spirit. An evil spirit. A fallen angel.
A fabulous creature, represented usually as a gigantic reptile
breathing fire and having a lion's claws, the tail of a serpent,
wings and scaly skin. They are often mysterious and misunderstood.
The Drow are a race of dark elves; They are said to live in various habitats; there are references to sea-drow and land-drow, and some informational sources say that they tend to live underground.
1) The spirit consciousness that ensouls a plant or location.
2)A spirit formed of one of the elements. The five elementals are salamanders (fire), sylphs (air), undines (water), gnomes (earth), and akasha (spirit).
Sprites, Pixies, Nymphs. Small humanoid winged creatures preferring to live in forests.
Very small dragons, being only 1'-5' long, any color, with large eyes, and large butterfly-type wings. These dragons are vegetarian as they only eat fruit, vegetables, nuts, and so on.
A spirit or guardian who is close to a human being and considered a companion in magick. The spirit often manifests itself in a sacred object or a pet. This explains the misconception that all witches have black cats, which is not necessarily true though a cat is a magickal creature and often does become a familiar.
Non-physical entities or spirit beings, often believed to be the
spirits of the dead.
The unchangably perfect being who is the first and final cause of the universe, who ensouls the universe and within whom the universe operates.
A term used in various senses to affirm a feminine nature or aspect of the divine. Three beliefs are common: revering Mother Nature, or the Earth [Gaia], [or] as Divine.
An elemental spirit who dwells in the earth plane.
Pagan or Wiccan father God. Usually wears goat or deer horns, but in ancient times, wore bull horns.
These are dragons which have multiple necks and heads. They may or may not have wings or legs.
A male spirit or being who takes the form of a male to have sex with a woman during her sleep. The purpose being to drain her of her "vital energy". The idea arouse to explain "wet dreams".
1)The leader of group of religious radicals in Jerusalem.(approximately 25 AD).
2)An avatar who attained a high level of attunement which enabled him to become a bodily vehicle for the Christ for a period of three years.
3) An aspect of God, according to the Jesus cults.
1) The planet Venus, The light-bearer, and angel of light.
2) Mistakenly, another name for Satan.
From German (rattling ghost); a noisy, mischievous, destructive spirit. Usually associated with the visible movement of physical objects by an unseen force.
Shapeshifter. Polymorphs, who lack a core species form, are a paradox - they are defined by their lack of definition.
One who consciously or unconsciously drains people of their vitality.
An elemental spirit who dwells in the fire plane.
The spirit of a deceased being.
The true, non-physical part of an individual.
A spiritual entity who teaches a medium or channeler and who guides them in their spiritual work.
A female spirit or being who takes the form of a female to have sex with a man during his sleep. The purpose being to drain him of his "vital energy". The idea arouse to explain "wet dreams".
An elemental spirit who dwells in air plane.
A spirit guide in the form of an animal who chooses to accompany you. This tradition is derived from Native American spirituality.
An elemental spirit who dwells in the water plane.
A legendary being who is reanimated from the dead and prowls at night drinking the blood of its victims. A person who, for sexual or ritual reasons, drinks the blood of others.
A term used by Ruth Montgomery for a highly aware entity from the spiritual dimension who, with permission, enters an unwanted adult human body in order to begin its humanitarian work at once by avoiding living the childhood years.
A shapeshifter. A legendary being who turns into [an animal] during the full moon.
The New Age Dictionary
The Otherkin Resource Center
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