Making Sigla
Totem Animals

There are very many uses to gain insight into the future, yourself, and anything that you can think of really. I will provide a list of many different kinds of divining, then elaborate on those that are more widely used today.

Ailuromancy - reading omens involving cats
Arachnomancy - reading omens involving spiders
Astragalomancy - divination using two dice or astragals (sheep ankle-bones)
Astrology - exploring the effect of the sun, moon, and eight of the planets upon the earth and its         inhabitants
Cartomancy - divination using standard cards
Catoptromancy - reading images in a mirror
Ceromancy - interpreting symbols from melted wax dripped into cold water
Clairaudience - literally "clear hearing"; divination by hearing the future
Clairvoyance - literally "clear vision", analyzing waking visions using ESP
Cleidomancy - divination using a suspended key
Coffee Grounds - an agent for divination, like tea leaves
Cromniomancy - using onions for divination
Crystallomancy - divination using a crystal ball
Dactylomancy - divination using a suspended ring
Dice - an agent of divination, usually in the form of plastic cubes
Dominoes - an agent of divination, usually small, oblong-shaped pieces of wood or plastic
Dowsing - using a stick, rod, or pendulum to locate something hidden or buried
Geomancy - interpreting patterns in the earth, usually sand, dust or soil
Hippomancy - reading omens involving horses
Itches - an agent of divination by omens
Knives/Scissors - agents of omen divination
Lampadomancy - interpreting omens using oil lamps or torch flames
Lithomancy - interpreting omens using precious stones and candles
Lychnomancy - interpreting omens from flames of three wax candles
Metagnomy - divination by sights of future events when seen in a hypnotic trance
Molybdomancy - interpreting symbols from dripping molten lead into cold water
Numerology - divination or character analysis using numbers relating to personal events or names
Omens - signs from events, or occurrences of coming misfortune or good luck
Oneiromancy - interpretation of dreams
Oriental Astrology - a form of astrology based on a 12-year animal cycle
Palmistry - divination through studying hands
Precognition - inner paranormal knowledge of the future
Psychometry - clairvoyant divination about a specific person through holding object belonging to him/her Radiesthesia - divination using a pendulum
Runes - agents of divination
Scrying - gazing into a reflective surface
Superstitions - beliefs that natural, or supernatural phenomena portend future events
Tarot - divination using cards in a tarot deck
Tasseography - reading tea leaves


Many people ask what the point in reading hands is. It may deal with the fact that there are thousands of nerve endings in your hand that have a direct connection with your brain. This connection goes two ways. Due to this, a person's hands are supposed to display a reflection of your personality. The title of Palmistry is very misleading. Palmistry is reading the whole hand, not just the palm. It involves both hands as well. A better name perhaps is Cheiromancy, "cheir" meaning "hand" in Greek.

To become more in-depth, your left hand is supposed to indicate the personalities you were born with, and your right hand your individual nature as it is now, and what your future might hold. If you are left-handed, the case would be reversed. In this form of divination, the thing of most import to remember is that an overall view is essential to an accurate reading. Certain aspects of a hand may counteract each other or different elements may be implied. Put the clues together and come up with the most logical interpretation.

Some very well done sites concerning Palmistry are listed below:

Cheiromancy, or the Science of Palmistry
Palmistry: The Guide
A History of Dermatoglyphics, Palmistry, and Character Identity

The Tarot

The origins of the tarot have long been a mystery. The earliest recorded evidence of the tarot dates back to 1390, in France. Some occultists however claim that the tarot (in various forms) can be traced back even to ancient Egypt, Babylon, and Tibet.

When beginning, is it important to study each card individually. In most decks there are 78 cards, 56 of them dividing into the four main suits, being Cups, Swords, Pentacles/Disks, and Wands. THe 56 cards aforementioned are the Minor Arcana, the other 22 being the Major Arcana, also known as the Greater Trumps. In the Major Arcana, we find a rich labyrinth of meanings and signification, so each must be viewed individually. The 4 suits have their 4 meanings, which branch out into greater detail within it's parameters (also called sphere of influence).

The spheres of influence for the suits of the Minor Arcana are as follows:
*[Cups] Emotional Matters, Love, Sex, Fertility, and Creativity
*[Pentacles] Wealth, Finance, Commerce, Prosperity, and Economic Security
*[Swords] Activity, Progress, Opposition, Conflict, and Order and Chaos
*[Wands] The Mind, Ideas, Deep Thought, Intellectual Strength, Range, Purposefulness

The tarot can be viewed in more depth in the sites listed below:

Learning the Tarot - An Online Course
Bandwagon Tarot Lessons
History of the Tarot at